The “Compañía Relojera Especializada para Actividades Subacuáticas S.L.” (Specialised Watchmaking Company for Underwater Activities S.L.) started as a company in Spain dedicated to bring special and historic timepieces to amateurs and collectors. Nowadays, CREPAS has recently relocated Zaragoza to continue this venture. During the last years our reputation and repercussion in “niche” collecting circles and online community has made our small company appreciated worldwide. Nowadays over half our sales are international. Do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
The common link between CREPAS WATCHES and TACTICO WATCHES is a commitment with customer and quality. All watches are manufactured using the last technologies while keeping in mind the most competitive price possible. Our products are targeted towards diving and aviation professionals, collectors and amateurs that expect a watch with the highest quality-price relation. We only manufacture watches with top of the line calibers. t·a·c·t·i·c·o offers a two years international guarantee. Our main after sales service departments are located in Spain, USA and Hong Kong.
The “Compañía Relojera Especializada para Actividades Subacuáticas S.L.” (Specialised Watchmaking Company for Underwater Activities S.L.) was launched in the summer of 2010 operating under the brand CREPAS WATCHES (www.crepaswatches.com). The aim of CREPAS is to develop professional diving watches taking as an inspiration models from the past. Watches that once set an important landmark in the watchmaking industry. After CREPAS WATCHES, t·a·c·t·i·c·o Watches was born with one sole purpose: watches inspired in historic military models, these being divers, pilot or rugged infantry watches.
- TC1 develops diving watches, SEA
- TC2 develops infantry watches, LAND
- TC3 develops air force watches, AIR
- COMMISSIONED watches manufactured under the behalf of third parties